network management software

Network Inventory

Asset Tracker for Networks, the network inventory software tool, was designed to collect configuration information from the corporate computers, connected to the network, and non-computer devices such as network printers and routers. When launched, Asset Tracker suggests the user to specify the IP address range ut will scan for computers and network devices to inventory, or, alternativelly, select computers, workgroups or domains from the Windows Network tree. Aer these settings are specified, the program scans the network for computers and devices attached and inventories each item found. For example, for computers it retrieves over one megabyte of useful configuration data per computer.

When inventorying Windows computers, Asset Tracker for Networks detects processor model and frequency, amount of memory installed along with the memory banks information, hard disks number and capacity (and physical drive information like manufacturer, serial number and S.M.A.R.T. attributes), graphic adapter model, manufacturer and memory amount, maximal and current speed of the network adapter along with it's MAC address and manufacturer and all other possible hardware information. For software settings, it detects operating system name and version, service pack and hotfixes installed, the name of the antivirus program with it's version and last update date and OS security settings. Asset Tracker for Networks also detects the list of software installed on each individual computer and for each software reveals it's manufacturer, version, installati folder and so on. It even detects serial numbers for the mostopular software titlesr Microsft, Adobe and others.

All this network inventory information is recorded in the database stored on the hard disk of the network administrator's computer or in a shared network folder for the case that it should be shared between several IT team members. With this database a responsible person can watch any computer configuration inventory information without having to re-scan it every time. This database is also used to generate detailed or consolidated reports on the company's assets; many reports are included the program's installation plus the user can construct new ones with the help of the Report Builder application.

Please use the links below to download the evaluation version of the program and try it in your network or read more detailed description of the application:

Download | More info

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