network management software

Network Auditing Tools

Network auditing tools is somewhat you use to audit the network and all it's components: computers, servers, computer peripheral devices like pronters and scanners and the network equipment: routers, hubs and other devices. There could be different software and hardware network auditing tools used for different purposes, but the main role play the software tools.

Different software tools implement different auditing tasks. For example, there is a wide range of network tools used to audit the security components of the network: different network scanners that scan the network vulnerability issues, such as open TCP ports, unsafe passwords or open WiFi access points that can be used by ciber criminals to get unauthorized acees to the network resources like open network shares or internet bandwidth, etc.

One of the main network auditing tools are network inventory programs. This type of software scan your network and retrieves the complete list of charasteristics of each item found. For computers, it detects processor type and speed, hard disk drives capacity, operating system name and version and so on - up to two megabytes of inventory data. For network devices it records device name, IP address and other information that can be collected by using SNMP protocol.

After collecting this information, the program writes in to a centralized database, allowing the network adminstrator to later view this information and/or build conslidated reports showing the configuration of the computers in general.

The name of this network auditing tool is Asset Tracker for Networks. Please use the links below to get more information on it or download the free trial version of the program to try it in your environment.

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